Turki Al-Hussain

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Who am I ?

Turki, a 17-year-old, offensive security researcher from Saudi Arabia. I am starting Software Engineering at PSU. #eJPT

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My Skills

More than 6 years of Software Development.

  1. Python
  2. C#
  3. Java
  4. C++
  5. Lua
  6. C
  7. Swift

More than 2 Years of Web Development.

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. React
  5. PHP
  6. Laravel


More Than a year of Penetration Testing

Ranked Hacker, Almost Pro Hacker in HackTheBox xD

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My Languages

I am a native Arabic speaker from Saudi Arabia, possessing C1-C2 proficiency in English.

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C1-C2 Proficiency


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My Proffesional Certifications

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eLearnSecurity Junior Penetration Tester (eJPT)

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HTB FullHouse

HackTheBox FullHouse Prolab Certificate

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INE Certified Cloud Associate (ICCA)


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My Blog

You Can Check All Writeups for Machine's, Challenge's and Flag's I've pwned!


My Socials
